Here are some of the services and products offered by Kolob Express:![Kolob Express, LLC CHAIN-SUPPLY-1024x682 Kolob Express: What Do We Do? International Logistics Packaging Solutions Kolob Express, LLC CHAIN-SUPPLY-1024x682 Kolob Express: What Do We Do? International Logistics Packaging Solutions]()
Handling and transportation of biological and pharmaceutical shipments.
Handling, storage and transportation of controlled temperature shipments.
Proper packaging solution for frozen shipments with dry ice (-80 ºC).
Validated packaging for frozen shipments at -20 ºC
Validated packaging for refrigerated shipments at +2/+8 ºC.
validated packaging for shipments packed at room temperature +15/+25 ºC, and shipments packed at ambient/no temperature requirements.
Regulatory advice: we assist the exporters and importers with the review and approval of the documentation before the shipment takes place in order to avoid customs problems/delays.
Documentary support: if needed we assist the exporters and importers with the documentation required for the shipments.
We monitor in real time the transit of your shipments: we take care of checking the temperature of your shipments, and we are able to replenish dry ice or gel packs even while the shipments are pending customs release.
Customs clearance: we have an extensive network of experienced customs broker all over the world.
Local pick up or delivery by car, cargo van, or truck.
You are welcome to ask about our services and products and whenever you need to use the best courier service in the world.
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